Travelling is indeed a thing that we dampakan, because we can momentarily forget traveled daily circumstances are monotone. Although it sometimes requires substantial funds, but it will never be comparable to the spiritual and physical satisfaction that we get.
Besides roads also beneficial for children in infancy. The benefits are:
Net Communication and Learning.

Studying Geography
Geography is the science of life. Believe it or not, science is very important to teach the children. We can teach about cross-cultural understanding and country and earth science phenomena such as weather, climate, geophysics and natural disasters.
Closely related to learning geography are you teaching the children. During the trip you will surely find a variety of races and ethnicities. This can you explain that we can not live alone and need help from others, no matter where they came from. In explaining this, the future will continue to be taken until they are adults to appreciate the difference.
Absorb Life Values
With a walk, parents can show their children about how people live their lives and what the reality is going on around the community he visited. On the sidelines of the trip also can discuss about a particular interaction or phenomenon, and this is one quality time (quality time) with children.
Distanced from Materialistic Consumption
Distinguish between children who are invited to the streets often given toys. Children are often taken away will understand the importance of the experience, enjoy and akn continue looking for a new, different from the children who were given toys that will be easy to quickly forget the toys because they feel bored.
Learning Meaning of Responsibility
If we menginkutsertakan children in planning and preparing for the trip, the children will learn to be responsible for their own choices. For example, what they need to bring and what not. This way they will be responsible for their own choices.
Picture source:
http://www.big4autism.com/% 20img/banner_img.gif
Source URL: http://hobi-sihasan.blogspot.com/2011/11/manfaat-wisata-bagi-anak-anak.html
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