Sep 21, 2012

Alternative Outdoor Activities for Toddlers

In addition to the safety factor has always been the fear of parents when letting their children play in nature, outdoor activities seem expensive. Though outdoor activities are very important for the health and development of children under 5 years old.

Outdoor activities have many advantages. In addition to introducing nature so that the child can explore his curiosity, can also help improve motor skills and allow them to get some fresh air. You do not have to take a child to a farm or a garden outside the city every week. Outdoor activities can be done around the house. Here are some alternatives of outdoor activities in the home, as reported by The Parents Zone.

1. Swim with Swimming Pool Portable
Most toddlers love to play water. Set the portable pool in your backyard can be an easy choice. There are some types of portable swimming pools are safe for toddlers, such as inflatable swimming with rigid side wall so it can hold more water.

2. Hide and seek or Throw Ball
It would be helpful if you invite the neighbor kids or relatives to come visit. Although the toddler does not understand the concept of the game correctly, but playing together will help children to socialize with peers.

3. Farm
Perhaps we think this activity does not fit your child, but the child likes to do what his parents did. Nothing wrong you ask him to gardening, so he can play with nature. You can introduce plants and animals that you and your child find. For example, ants, crickets, and so on.

4. Picnic or to the Zoo
Picnic in the park or a visit to the zoo can add your choice of outdoor activities with your child. Events like this are a simple way to let him enjoy the outdoors. It can be fun at the same time full of learning.

Sources: url:

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