Accustomed to shut himself in the room was not good for the blood.
Smoke or pollution. These two things could be the main reason we are reluctant to spend time outdoor activities. In fact, research has shown to be too long in the room could be bad for your health.
The study, published in Environmental Science and Technology found the chemicals present in indoor air were also in the bodies of those who often were in the room. What exactly is in the blood.

In other cases, people who rarely get fresh air from outdoors can be exposed to even worse consequences. Carrying hundreds of thousands of people died from smoke inhalation constantly used to cook or heat their homes. To date, the health effects to humans is not clear. But, certainly this could be bad for the heart, immune system, and reproduction of animals.
So, do not keep locked in the house or office. At least, open the windows and doors so that air can get into the room. In addition, we can also work around this by using public transit to get to work. Stop bit away from your destination and walk up to the office. Good luck and good health.
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