1. Potential environmental dangers, eg heavy current, dark, rainy, cold, hot, hard road, etc.
3. Potential hazards of equipment, eg number, working or not, easy to use or not, etc.
4. Potential hazards methods / ways of working, eg no SOP or not, whether the procedure was assessed activity level of safety (Job Safety Analysis). If any potential hazards known control measures that can be done to minimize the risks that may occur.
# PREPARE THE APPROPRIATE equipment and supplies
Any type of outdoor (outdoor) require different equipment. For example: whitewater rafting, inflatable boat required, paddle, life jacket, helmet, dry bag. Choose tools that meet safety criteria. Because safety is not negotiable. Do not because you want to skimp outcome even hurt.
# Supplies
Provision of food, drink and clothing adapted to the type and duration of activities. Activities at sea and in the mountains would require different clothing stores. Traveling 1 day and 1 week would require the amount of food and different drinks. Choose food supplies practical, nutritious and high in calories to offset the need for calories during the activity.
Although the preparation and control of factors of potential hazards has been done, sometimes an accident or illness when the activity can not be avoided. For it is always prepared First Aid Kit and personalized medicine / simple. Be careful giving drugs to others, make sure there is no allergy to the drug to be given.
In the event of an emergency, to know where to evacuation. To check that the hospital or medical facility closest to the location of activities. Make sure the address, phone numbers and record personnel who can be contacted if necessary.
Do not forget a list of important phone numbers to call in case of emergencies. For example, the local police phone number, participant family activities, the nearest hospital, etc..
Have a nice adventure!!!!!!!
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