Rucksack is a major tool for the backpacker. Without this thing how we will accommodate necessities for the road, even if necessary overnight camping in the wild. Rucksack is also a top choice for practicality, convenience and capability adequate packing.
The important thing is how to choose backpacking equipment because I'm sure my friends are familiar with the style of camping stuff. The most frequently asked Rucksack and shoes. What is certain is adapted to field conditions and styles the way.
In general there are 3 types based on the shape backpack.
Frame on the inside, which can hold little weight down and approached the back. Ideal for locations up and down as tight to the body so it does not go up and down (bounce) and more balanced. Preferably a woman as an advanced center of gravity lower a woman's body makes the burden so lightly.
Frame outside, where the load is taken slightly upwards. Useful as a vent for the frame to make the distance from the back is usually a much cheaper price kantung2 extra.
Modular backpack (daypack and Rucksack be one), while the trend for ease of disassembly. Usually encountered for photography equipment and facilities plus a laptop bag for a small lightweight trekking. The price is quite expensive, especially for a version waterprof or all weather (AW Lowepro).
Here are tips for choosing a backpack (Rucksack)
Choosing a backpack based on the kinds of activities it is important to do as for trekking a day, several days, or the city of expedition cruising. From there, create a picture or a list of what items will be taken. This is related to the capacity backpack and shape design.
Stated liter capacity backpack or cubic inches (North America). Size backpack calculated distances spine just below the neck to a point above the pubic bone.
Each backpack manufacturer has its own way of measuring the waist or shoulder harness setting different. So it is not necessarily foreign-made backpack is suitable for people who tend to Indonesia smaller stature. Therefore, do not be too oriented label.
When in the store do not hesitate to try the stuff in it, if necessary, to borrow a tent / sleeping bed as a burden. See additional pockets on either side, the up and down side and bottom straps. Each has its uses and functions. Additional pouches to place objects that we often use, and straps to tie items such as sleeping bag, mattress, and a tripod or walking stick. Give extra attention if we are to bring electronic devices. The protection only (small bag) is not enough. Therefore choose who has raincover.
Where the laying of the backpack is good / true? Choosing a backpack depending on body posture Rucksack see footage of a point below the neck (back) to a point above the pubic bone. Author backpack has straps to adjust tight and least in the body but can not change it back long distances. So, try first, pull the straps up to a maximum. If not toned and fit means not for our size.
Rucksack correct position when brought to the flat terrain it will be positioned just above the pubic bone. So, not sagging down. The way we are packing also determine where CG (center of gravity-center of grafity) Rucksack.
The idea of putting a heavy load on the back as close as possible will minimize the
distance between the CG (center of gravity-center of grafity) CG body with our backpacks. Why? Since the minimum distance that the moment occurred when running well so minimum. In effect, the muscles have to work extra ordinary is using that muscle to support the body. Not too tired muscles used to hold the moment happens.
Another note is the ergonomic curve of the back. For this one, I was pretty upset because eiger backpack I bought a new one, I use to rinjani up and down, and fit up to a new home knows that the internal frame is not set up aliases straight. No wonder it was not frivolous. and until now have not been able to fit a curve ".
However, some parties consider it just a marketing strategy backpack sellers. Location of CG Rucksack is dependent on how we packing the goods (here we assume that the weight placed below). Medium body CG distance depends on how we run (terrain encountered). If we go up, the body tends to lean forward naturally.
How many liters of a good size for a woman?
For capacity depend on the type of hiking, terrain, and also the ability of the body to bring a backpack. Guidelines based on the weight of the backpack component estimate can be made as follows.

* Backpack (2 kg)
* 2person tent (2.5kg)
* Sleeping bag (1 kg)
* Hiking boots (1 kg)
* Sleeping mat (650 g)
* Jacket and pants (550 gr)
* Food (900 gr)
* Water (2liter / 2kg)
* More comfortable if can share a tent or cooking equipment so that the load lighter. It all comes back how to packing. For about 15-35 liter daypack was a big as it could be 85liter up. The recommended size is in the range 1200-2400 m3inc or 14-30liter.
Laying the mat and sleeping bag is better where ya?
Matras because light can be placed on top of an existing backpack strap there, is there a sleeping bag placed outside or inside. If at the bottom usually. There is a big bag that can be opened from the side without the need to disassemble Rucksack from above. Usually it can be mixed shoes and jacket. Again this is dependent design, usability, and habits in the field.
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